Self-Help: Two Steps at a Time
Are you ready for the day?
Then get up.
Don’t Think.
Thinking will lead to you remaining in bed longer and then it will turn noon ruining the entire day. My new moto is to take two steps at a time. This may help you too. At the least I hope it gives you a new way to think about starting your busy days ahead.
I am always busy. In general, there is not a time of the day that I shouldn’t be doing something about anything. Afterall, I am a mom. I am a person with interests. I am a citizen to the United States. Always things to be done in any of my persons. I get overwhelmed very easy and it drives me crazy that I let it irritate me so quickly and at such a large capacity.
One day enough was enough. I decided that I would try just taking two steps at a time to help with my “overwhelming chaos”. It helps when I remember to do it!
For example, if I am getting ready for the day and I wake up to my four kids {already snacking in the living room and not getting dressed for school) … I take my own advice and I close my eyes and think of two things to do first.
1. Go Potty.
2. Make sure kids are alive and not killing each other!
Now, now… never said I have mastered this myself nor followed protocol. However, it does help when I let it help me.
Continuing with the day, another example, would be getting out the door:
1. Keys?
2. Phone?
This occasion is quite a chore for my kids and I in the morning time! I need to do like forty steps to get us out the door; in the car with what we need; and then handle the last minute “emergencies”. If you are a parent, you know those type of emergencies that kids come up with when you are trying to get them in the car and buckled. They need a drink; they must do number two all sudden.
Practice makes perfect and if you do not practice you cannot play! So, practice this technique even when you are not stressed and overwhelmed. Start simple with cooking dinner or taking a shower. I do this all the time when I am showering because most of the time, I have one or more children who would like to have their mother do this or that. So, I say okay undress and then turn on the water.
It helps a lot to direct children, as well. Sometimes people, children and adults, need to take it back to the basics and need direction.
When my five-year-old is upset he must get off the computer to use the bathroom. I make it simple and direct. I say: “Okay, let us pause the game and I will make sure no one touches it, and you go pee! Next, he goes pee hopefully. After that, you say, “wash hands” and “come back”. Not including the wash hands before helps him not to think of it as a long task that will interrupt his computer time.
Another time I want to mention is when you want the kids to get in the car and buckle up! The “car pick up” line is the worse time to have conversation and ask for a drink; however, my kids see it differently obviously because that’s the perfect time to do anything but buckle up! I may sound like I do not want to hear about their day, or I am stressed and just have a million things to do…. But I just keep repeating two steps as the pile in:
1. Get in.
2. Buckle Up.
They have pictures they drew and what to show off; someone hit someone; or they are mad about something that happened. You must stand firm and try not to listen! I know right. I cannot “not” listen (that’s a whole therapy bill I got).
Also, key factor to make this work for you and not against you. Do not give a flip about what anyone thinks. What the teacher opinion of you as you yell get in and buckle up instead of listening to the day events. Do not give a flip about what time of the day it is, and you want to shower. Who cares step one, step two… and go! Stop second guessing yourself to please the world normality that is in season. Afterall, life is what you make it if you take it.
Go out there now! Take it! Take control back into your own mind; body; and spirit. Stop. Don’t think. Two Steps. Do. REPEAT TILL BED!